I can't believe that it is almost August already. Where did this summer go? I've had a great summer here in London. Honestly my plan was not to be such a bad blogger during this summer but I've had so much other things to do that I just haven't found the time to make videos for you. But this week I will film you something for sure! Let´s see if the internet will be strong enough to download it to you...
Last week we spent in Greece. We were looking for last minute holidays and we found a really nice offer for Greece so we packed our bags and the next day we flew to Crete. Our hotel was amazing, such a nice place with a great private beach. We had all inclusive in our hotel even though that wasn't something we really were looking for because we knew we wouldn't be at the hotel all the time. In the end it was pretty nice though and the days we spend at the hotel were totally stress free because we had everything we needed.
We hired a car for three days so we also spent time driving around the island. Crete is a pretty big island, bigger than I realized before going there, and the roads are not the best ones so it does take a while to travel from one side to the other. Our hotel's beach was nice but honestly to find the best beaches you need a car. We saw amazing beaches with such a clear blue water. Truly amazing ones. I recommend to take a car because it is not very expensive and you can see so much more. I am not a person who likes to join a tourist group with a guide so this was such a good alternative for that. I am not saying that there is anything bad with those groups, they are really easy option, but I like to have a little bit more freedom to do exactly what I want. However if you are not comfortable with driving, Crete is not the nicest place to drive around. People drive like crazy. And I know that driving is different in southern Europe compared to north Europe but honestly I hadn't seen anything like Crete before. At first I was a bit horrified, haha, but pretty quickly I got used to it. And I wasn't even the one driving! There is no rules and everyone just does what they want. So just be mentally prepared! :D But you will also get used to it quickly.
My favorite town was called Agios Nikolaos. Small town but such a beautiful place. We also went to Heraklion but in my opinion that wasn´t anything special. All the other places we visited were small towns or remote beaches. I had a true Greek experience when we had lunch in a small village somewhere in the middle of nowhere. This tiny local restaurant owned by an old Greek couple had nice food and it was far away from other tourists.
The weather was amazing during the whole holiday and when we arrived back to London it was 29 degrees here so I can say that the summer has finally found it's way to London!

I have done some shopping here in London and I can't wait to share them with you. Now I would like to ask your opinion if you would prefer to get a video about these new makeup products first or a makeup tutorial? Let me know!
Heippa hei ja anteeksi, kun olen ollut niin huono bloggaja nyt kesän aikana. Kesä täällä Lontoossa on ollut todella ihana, mutta kiirettä on pitänyt ja siksi videoiden kuvaaminen on jäänyt. Tällä viikolla aion kuitenkin kuvata teille videon. Ainut asia, joka mietityttää on se riittääkö internetin voimat sen lataamiseen, mutta toivotaan parasta.
Yllä olevassa tekstissä kerron meidän Kreikan lomasta. Vietettiin viikko Kreetan saarella ja oli aivan ihana loma. Vuokrattiin auto kolmeksi päiväksi ja ajeltiin ympäri saarta. Muuten vain nautittiin auringosta ja hyvästä ruoasta.
Nyt haluisin tietää, että kiinnostaisiko teitä seuraavaksi enemmän meikkitutorial vai sitten enemmänkin esittelyä noista uusista jutuista, joita olen hankkinut? Onpas outoa kirjoitella tällä lailla suomeksi, kun en ole suomea oikeastaan lainkaan nyt kesällä käyttänyt muuten kun lähettäessäni viestejä kotiin.