A few people have been interested to see what I bought from Prague. I´m pretty surprised that I didn´t buy any clothes because I was really trying to find a few things that I really need like a new jacket. But no, apparently what I want is impossible to find.
If you want to read more about my Prague holiday, remember to read this older post.
Products mentioned in this video:
SEPHORA Double duty exfoliator + mask
SEPHORA Rose lip mask, Rose eye mask and Pearl face mask
SEPHORA Pore clarifying mask
SEPHORA All-in-one nourishing oil
ESSENCE The gel nail polish, 46 black is back
NIVEA Sensitive day cream
NIVEA Sensitive night cream
ESSENCE Get BIG lashes -mascara
ESSENCE I love extreme -mascara
MAYBELLINE Lash sensational -mascara
ESSENCE How to make brows wow -make up box
I also have a special guest on this video!
Muutama on kysellyt, että mitä tuotteita ostin Prahan reissullani, joten tein tämän videon, jossa vähän käyn niitä läpi. Suurin osa oli ihan tarpeeseen, mutta ehkä sieltä muutama heräteostoskin löytyy.
Muistakaahan myös vanhempi Praha postaukseni, jonka voit lukea täältä! Lisää juttuja on kuitenkin vielä tulossa.
Hellou everyone, I´m back at home! Like I quickly mentioned at my last post, I was visiting Prague last week so sorry for the little break from here. I have so many videos waiting for you but they just still need some editing and also the publishing to YouTube always takes about 6 hours because of the HD quality.
But here is a small video for you from Prague. My plan was to do like a proper vlog from there but I had so much fun that I forgot the whole camera, so here is just like a short thing for you. But I also have a outfit post coming for you from Prague and "What did I buy from Prague video" so stay tuned.
I spend four days, five nights in Prague with my dear friend who is on an exchange in Austria. We both travelled to Prague and we had a such a lovely holiday. It had been too long since we´ve been on a holiday together but now we need to make sure that won´t happen again.
Happy Easter and I will be back soon!
Heippa hei! Nyt taas kotona Prahan loman jälkeen. Tuli vähän blogitaukoa, kun olin siellä ja sitten on ollut niin kiireiset muutamat päivät sen jälkeen, etten ole ehtinyt istua kameran eteen kuvaamaan enkä editoimaan videoita. Mutta monta videota odottaa nyt koneella vain sitä, että saan ne editoitua loppuun, joten uutta materiaalia on pikimmiten tulossa! Tässä kuitenkin tällänen lyhyt tunnelmavideo Prahasta! Tarkotus oli tehdä ihan kunnon vlog sieltä, mutta meillä oli niin hauskaa, että se videoiden kuvaaminen vain unohtui. Mutta itseasiassa täsä pienestä videosta tuli minusta ihan hauska! :) Prahaan liittyen on tulossa vielä ainakin yksi asupostaus ja sitten video, jossa aiheena Prahan ostokset, joten pysykää kuulolla! Prahassa tuli siis vietettyä neljä päivää ja 5 yötä minun todella rakkaan kaverin kanssa, joka on tällä hetkellä vaihdossa Itävallassa. Molemmat siis matkustettiin Prahaan ja tavattiin sitten siellä. Oli todella ihana tyttöjen loma ja meidän viimeisestä reissusta olikin jo kulunut ihan liikaa aikaa. Ihanaa pääsiäisen jatkoa ja palaan pian!
I wanted to write to you a bit about how I did end up writing this blog. For my whole life I have been interested in makeup, hair, fashion etc. but when I was doing my makeup I usually always used only really basic routines such as foundation, mascara, blush, bronzer and then a little bit some eyeshadow for special occasions (and don´t get me wrong, that is totally fine, my everyday makeup is still close to that).
Then like a few years ago I had this big fancy party coming up and I needed a really nice makeup. But I´ve always had a problem. I don´t like other people doing my make-up. It just never ends up looking perfect to me. So I was struggling because I knew I didn´t want to hire somebody to do it but I also wasn´t sure about my own skills.
So I ended up finding some inspiration from YouTube and found out that it is full off make-up tutorials. (Seriously I didn´t know before this...:D) Well I started to watch them and I was hooked. Then I just started to try things on my own and noticed that actually it wasn´t hard at all and that I was pretty good at it. It felt so good when I went out and someone said that my make-up looked really nice. (Well that is probably something that will feel good forever.)
That was just the beginning. I have learned so much since that I can´t even understand. Same time I also want to get better and better. But how did I end up writing a blog about beauty? Well I used to have a blog years and years ago (don´t worry it has been long gone :D) but then my life was so busy I stopped writing. For like a year I was happy without a blog but then I started missing it and ever since I have been thinking about coming back. Well a lot has happened and my life is still crazy busy; I study at the University, I am working, I travel quite a lot and now I have this blog. But this makes me so happy that I want to try to make this possible. I love making video tutorials for you and I love the fact that I can learn so many new things at the same time.
This world is full of beauty channels made by amazing beauty professionals so why am I even trying something like this without proper education on beauty? (Believe me, what I study is really far from this...but it is my other passion.) I hope my blog will be down to earth and that everybody can find something useful from here. I love to do this and I hope you will see it too. This is a small dream coming true for me.
I also want to open a bit why I will write this blog with two languages. Finnish is my native language and it felt natural to write this at least partly in Finnish. But make-up is universal, it doesn´t stop to land borders, it is for everyone. I want to make this blog for every beauty geek like me so I decided to make this mainly in English. Plus I love to use English. I use to live in London and I actually went back for last summer and it is still another home city for me. I use English every day in my life so this is just another channel for me to be able to use it.
Congratulations if you made this far, I´m sure half of you fell asleep in the middle. Have a good day everyone!
At the moment I´m visiting Prague, so see you next week!
In Finnish: Vähän mietteitä siitä miten päädyin perustamaan tämän blogin ja miten minusta tulikaan näin fanaattinen kauneusasioiden suhteen. Poikkeuksellisesti en tällä kertaa käännä koko juttua suomeksi ihan jutun pituuden vuoksi. Kyselkää jos tulee kysyttävää! Ihanaa päivää! ❤
This video is about an every day makeup look. This is something I would do if I go to work or I have something a little bit more special during the day. If I only go to the University I don´t do this much. And of course it isn´t always the same. Sometimes I don´t do the concealer and sometimes I change the colors for the eye makeup but this a go to - look if I want to do a basic make up.
I´m really lazy with lip makeup because I´m not a huge fan of it. Really often I just put some lip balm or some nude lipstick.
This was actually the first video ever I filmed to you! I hope you like it!
Products used in this video / Tuotetiedot:
Make Up Store skin serum
Make Up Store tinted eyeprimer
Lumene CC powder, medium/deep
Lumene CC cream, light
Real Techniques Stippling brush
We Care Icon Shape and Define eyebrow kit
Lumene Eyebrow gel, transparent
Maybelline The Nudes palette
Sigma e40 brush
Sigma e25 brush
Make Up Store microshadow, raisin
MAC Pro longwear concealer, NW20
KIKO Invisible Powder, Translucent
Maybelline Master Sculpt
Real Techniques contour brush
Make Up Store compact powder, chocolate
Make Up Store Blush, sugarpink
Lindex Blush Brush
Revlon Photoready Skinlights highligter, 100 Bare Light
Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Water
Tämän päivän videossa on aiheena arkimeikki. Tämän teen usein, jos olen menossa töihin tai minulla on päiväsaikaan jotain erityisempää menoa. Kyseessä on eräänlainen go to - look minulle! Lopputulos on siisti, joten se käy mielestäni hyvin myös työympäristöön. Jos taas olen menossa yliopistolle, en laita näin paljon vaan ihan perusjutuilla mennään. Tietenkin tätäkin on helppo muokata ja usein jätänkin peiteaineen laittamatta, jos tuntuu etten tarvitse sitä. Silmämeikin väricombot myös vaihtelevat fiiliksen mukaan, mutta useimmiten mennään näillä sävyillä.
Olen suht laiska huulimeikkejen kanssa, koska en varsinkaan arkimeikissä pidä niistä niin paljon. Usein turvaudunkin vain huulirasvaan tai nudeen huulipunaan.
Kyseessä on aivan ensimmäinen video, jonka ikinä kuvasin teille! Jännittävää! :) Tuotetidot löydätte taas tuosta yläpuolelta.
Hi! And welcome to Vivacious. I seriously can´t believe that this blog is finally open. I have been working with this quite awhile and at some point I wasn´t even sure if I would ever open Vivacious to public but here it is, finally open to all of you.
My plan is to make approximately one video every week + some normal posts there in between. I want to do tutorials, reviews, some makeup hauls and maybe some vlogs too. Lets see, I have many ideas in my mind. If you have some ideas or comments, my comment box there down below is ready for you.
Videos will be mainly in English but here in blog I will do everything with two languages, in English and in Finnish. Here you can also find all the details about the products that I´m using and much more, so stay tuned! :) I´m also planning to write you more about who I am and how I got the idea to start this blog.
In this first video I´m creating this easy but still glamorous look. To be honest this is not the first video I made but I wanted to start with this one. Still there are a few things I need to work with but as I do more I will get better. I am bit nervous but I hope you will like this! Spread some love at the comment box!
Product details / Tuotetiedot:
Smashbox Photo Finish Primer
Make Up Store Tinted Eyeprimer
Lumene CC Cream, light
Real Techniques Stippling brush
We Care Icon Shape and Define eyebrow kit
Lumene Blueberry Eyebrow Fixing Gel, transparent
Make Up Store 210 brush
MAC Pro Longwear Concealer, NW20
Beauty Blender
KIKO Invisible Powder
Real Techniques Pointed foundation brush
Maybelline Master Sculpt, medium/dark
Real Techniques Contour brush
Make Up Store Compact powder, chocolate
Lumene Blush 20, Rosy Blush/Onnellisuus
We Care Icon Magnetic Eyes eyeliner, 1 True black
Lumene Natural Code eyepencil, 1 Intense black
L´Oréal Volume Million Lashes So Couture, Black
Eyelure London 100 lashes
Duo Striplash Adhesive
KIKO Highligter, Beam of Light
Bourjois Lipstick, Rouge Edition 14 Pretty prune
Heippa hei ja tervetuloa! En voi uskoa, että vihdoin ja viimein saan avattua blogini, sillä sen verran pitkään olen tätä miettinyt ja suunnitellut ja työstänyt. Blogipohjakin on ollut valmiina jo varmaan puolisen vuotta, mutta sitten olen taas päättänyt jättää homman siihen. Nyt en kuitenkaan voisi olla iloisempi siitä, että Vivacious näki vihdoin päivänvalon!
Tarkoituksena olisi julkaista noin yksi video viikossa ja sitten tavallisia postauksia sinne väliin, jos vain aika riittää. Ideoita riittää, mutta mielelläni otan myös toiveita vastaan. Tulossa on ainakin tutorialeja, arvointeja ja ehkä jopa vlogeja!
Videot tulevat olemaan pääasiassa englanniksi, mutta blogi tulee olemaan kaksikielinen, joten, jos joku asia jäi englanniksi epäselväksi, niin täältä voi löytyä ratkaisu tai sitten asiaa voi kysäistä esim. kommenttiboksissa tai sähköpostilla.
Tässä ensimmäisessä videossani aiheena on helppo ja suht nopea, mutta silti juhlava look. Tämä look syntyy helposta meikkipohjasta, yksinkertaisesta, mutta näyttävästä silmämeikistä sekä punaisista huulista. Video ei itseasiassa ole ensimmäinen, jonka olen kuvannut, sillä olen tehnyt näitä teille hieman varastoon, mutta tämän halusin julkaista ensimmäisenä. Tiedän, että siellä on vielä muutama asia, joita pitää vielä hieman säätää, mutta aloitetaan nyt tällä. :) Tuotetiedot löydätte tosta yläpuolelta!