I made an order to Cocopanda a few weeks ago and I wanted to share with you some of the great products I ordered and can´t wait to try out! Cocopanda is actually fairly new website for me, I hadn´t heard about it before my friend showed me the website and oh well that was a bad bad idea. They are selling brands that I like and which are not sold in Finland or they are really expensive here. Or then the situation is like situation with NYX. Let me talk about NYX for a second.
I was soooo exited when I heard that NYX is coming to Finland. I was in Madrid while they had the launch and oh boy I am happy that I was. I went a week after to check their section at Sokos Helsinki and I couldn´t go even close to the stand. It was full of girls :D I decided to comed back later and like a week after that it was still full of girls + everything was sold out. So now I am just waiting for the day I can finally got to check them out and get the products I want. Well it seems like I need to wait for a while that to happen.
But Cocopanda was selling some products from NYX so that was one the reasons I decided to do the order. In the end I didn´t buy anything I didn´t need!

First was this setting spray from NYX. Dewy finish, not matte, just as I like it. I have heard so many good things about this that I cant wait to try it by myself.

That Duo eyelash adhesive is the best one I know. My old one is going to be empty soon so that´s why I needed to buy a new one. I am always using the one with dark tone but they also have a clear one if you prefer that. For beginners I think the clear one is maybe a bit easier but it is just what you prefer. I wanted to try these Ardell lashes for a while because they are apparently great drugstore lashes. Lets see, high hopes for them!

And these last ones... I love love love Real Techniques brushes. Their quality is so good and same time they are pretty affordable. I am using their brushes every single day and they are still as good as new so high recommendation! I needed a new contour brush because I am using my old contour brush with highlighters now. I also bought this blush brush but I am planning to use it with bronzers and powders
I think that bold metals serie from RT is so gorgeous! Especially these copper ones.
More information you can find from www.cocopanda.fi/! (I am not getting paid from this, I just truly liked their site. Delivery was free and quick!)

Last product was that konjac sponge for cleaning the face. This is something really interesting. I will actually try it tonight so I can tell you how it was. Would you like a first impressions video from these or do you prefer a written one? Let me know! :)
Btw, I heard that commenting anonymously wasn´t available before, so now I added it and it should be working. Let me know if there still is some problems! :)
I am going to do some editing now and tomorrow and hopefully I can get a new video up on Monday.
Tein muutama viikko sitten tilauksen Cocopandalle, joka on kosmetiikan verkkokauppa. En itseasiassa ollut käyttänyt ennen tätä verkkokauppaa, mutta kaverini näytti minulle heidän sivunsa ja se oli menoa sitten. Heillä oli myynnissä monia sellaisia tuotteita, joita ei Suomesta saa tai sitten niiden hinta on täällä vain huomattavasti kalliimpi.
Olin todella tyytyväinen koko ostoskokemukseen sillä toimitus oli ilmainen ja tuli todella nopeasti. Sanon tämän kaiken ihan siksi, että olin todella tyytyväinen heidän sivustoonsa. Minulle ei ole maksettu tästä postauksesta.
Jos mielenkiinto heräsi, kannattaa kurkata www.cocopanda.fi/!
Ja jos teitä kiinnostaa, voisin tehdä näistä tuotteista ensivaikutelmavideon. Vai haluaisitteko mieluummin kirjoitetun postauksen? Nyt on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa! :) Tänään ja huomenna editoin uutta videota ja ulos se tulee luultavasti maanantaina tai alkuviikosta.
Sain kuulla, että kommentointi ei ole ollut mahdollista anonyymina, mutta nyt on asia korjattu ja pitäisi onnistua. Ilmotelkaa, jos tulee vielä jotain ongelmia kommentoinnin suhteen.
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